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Hardening Steel With Heat

We have touched on the topic of the effects of heat on steel in the past. These little reminders are directed at those of us who are not accomplished thermal treaters of steel. And, that is based on the assumption that you wouldn’t be reading this article if you are already proficient in hardening steel. NOT INSTRUCTIONAL! “Random thoughts on hardening steel” in his article are strictly for information purposes only. To a large part […]

Cut To Length Steel And Random Bar Lengths

Some time ago we posted an article about random bar lengths. The attention from that blog contributed to this follow-up about cut-to-length bars. More importantly, how that term differs from random (rdm) bar lengths. Random bar lengths can be anything the distributor deems beneficial to his selling of the steel bars in  his, or her, inventory. It is most common in the general steel marketplace to see random bar lengths listed as 10/12ft rdm, stainless […]

Bending Steel

There is a famous saying; “A man must know his limitations.” I am sure it is also appropriate for a woman. So it is with this topic. Some steel grades can be bent fairly easily. And, some steel grades in some conditions should never be bent. Before attempting to bend steel you must fully understand its limitations. If you are one of those who never reads instructions and just charges ahead, then there is another […]

What is Lean Duplex Stainless Steel?

So, what is Lean Duplex Stainless Steel? When and where would you use it? A big topic for a short article. This is merely a brief introduction. Perhaps it will encourage further investigation. Also, we are referring here only to solid round bar, sheet and plate. For many decades, Austenitic Stainless Grades dominated the industrial and commercial marketplace. They provided excellent general corrosion resistant properties. Then, hardenable martensitic grades began to see usage where increased […]

What is Brake Die Steel?

Let’s begin this post with two of my favorite words; Ubiquitous; (everywhere, like raindrops during a storm), and, Esoteric; (known by a select small group of people). What do these mean? Brake Die, Gun Barrel or Rifle Stock, Pump Shaft Straightness, Boat Shaft, Food Service Grade Stainless, Cold Roll, “Ultrasonic Inspect to 388, (and even FDA approved). While they may have a specific meaning to someone (esoteric), they do not have a defined meaning to everyone […]

Defective Material

So, for almost 50 years I have had the opportunity to investigate various material/component failures, and with all the variables, two things have been fairly consistent. The first statement that is most often heard, aside from; “Don’t look at me!” is, “It looks like defective material.” Eventually, and more often than not, the actual reason for failure involves something other than material defect; incorrect material, design and engineering misunderstandings relative to material availability and the […]

Conclusion – Ten Things to Know About “Finish Size”

REMAINING FIVE POINTS – elaborated If the finish shaft involves substantial step downs, or, if only a small portion of the bar needs to finish… share that information. Remember, your supplier cannot be responsible for a third parties work, and/or mistakes. If liability on the shaft is considerable, consider parking it in another parties driveway. Try to “Talk the Talk” Phrases like, “a stick of steel”, or, “cold roll”, or, “a length of steel”, will […]

Finish Sizes & Bar Clean-Up Part 2

The following is a continuation from our last blog on ROUND bar clean up. It is important to share both your finish diameter AND length. They would like to know if you have a short stubby shaft, where straightness is not often an issue. Or, if it is a small diameter shaft that is 18ft. long. Big difference in how you approach the raw material for the job. We are not suggesting that you ask […]

Ten Points to Eliminate Mistakes on Finish Size – Bar Clean Up, For Steel Bars

We have talked about round bar grinding in the past. The following posts will look deeper into the communicating skills that will help you minimize disappointments in this area. Unfortunately, more people than not have purchased a bar of steel and found that it won’t make their part because there was not sufficient stock allowance to “clean-up”. That need not be the case. Most often, communication is again the culprit. We are speaking of ROUND […]