The easier question to answer would be; who can’t use it?

A continuation of last month’s post:
Service temperatures should not exceed 750F. Any customer currently using stainless of the following types: 304L, 316L, 410, 416, 17-4ph should consider LDX, (ASSOCIATED STEEL’S ASC2250 LDX).

LDX is now made by several steel mills, to their own specific variances. In general, it is a great stainless grade for heavy maintenance applications where the grades listed immediately above are being used. It is more corrosion resistant, stronger, less apt to gall, better at resisting SCC, easier to machine and weld, than many of the commercial grades shown.

Lean Duplex work hardens. As shipped, it is generally about 28RC. The Austenitic portion of the grain structure contributes to strain hardening; it cold works as the size is drawn. As mentioned in part one; It is harder (hence stronger) than commercially available 304 and/or 316, but is still easier to machine. Duplex grades of stainless steel contain grain structures of equal parts Austenite and Ferrite. They are considered to be magnetic in their most common form.

It resists bending, (minimizes twisting), abrasive wear, resists failure due to SCC, resists galling, adds strength. It’s like the Ginsu knife of stainless steels. (Probably have to be my age to know what that means). Lean Duplex is not intended for use in applications currently requiring advanced alloy grades, such as; 2507, AL-6XN, Hastelloy C, 20cb, Ni625, etc.

The PRE (pitting resistance) is the accepted standard for determining a stainless grade’s comparable resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion. The lower the number, the less resistance.
304 is 18 316 is 24 Duplex grades are nearer to 40.
Associated Steel carries Lean Duplex (ASC2250 LDX) in two surface finishes; Fine-turned oversize (The size will make the nominal size), and Precision Polished Guaranteed Bearing Fit (Minus/minus tolerance). It is inventoried in long mill bars and may also be sold to specific required lengths.

ASC 2250 LDX offers advantage in:
Resistance to Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)
Resistance to Chloride pitting
Resistance to Crevice Corrosion Cracking
Elevated Strength Levels
Ease of machining
Ease of welding
Greater fatigue resistance
General corrosion resistance superior to 316L
Excellent resistance to “Thermal Shock” (low-cycle fatigue)
Excellent service to -30C

-Howard Thomas August 6th, 2021